Women’s Bible Study/Book Study

Join Mother Pat Hames in following the story of the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ in scriptures through word and illustration.

Tuesday’s 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Beginning Tuesday, October 4th, we’ll be meeting in the St. John’s Guild Room opposite our Parish Hall.

Youth Ministry

Rosemary Brodeur Cairns is The Director of Christian Education for Children at St. John’s

Our aim is to cultivate a compassionate and resilient spirit in young people through the knowledge and practice of the Christian faith. Our programs are designed to educate and engage young people about God and our Christian tradition so that the knowledge they gain can be transformed into wisdom as they live their lives and draw on this foundation.


Christian formation is the lifelong process of growing in our relationship with God, self, others, and all creation. Every experience in our lives can provide us with the opportunity to live our faith. We meet together to encourage one another in this process